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GDPR & Privacy Statement

Summary In simple terms, the following page details how your data is handled by Asociacion Naturista Costa Natura (hereafter referred to as ANCN) and your rights under the GDPR initiative from the EU. On this page, we’ll detail the tools we use and process your data. Likewise, we’ll give you the means to contact us and request the data we have that belongs to you. We’re a small team but we’re dedicated to being open and transparent about your data usage. Anyone and everyone is welcome to contact us regarding our data policy. This page will likely be subject to frequent change as GDPR evolves. Important By making a booking with ANCN, you consent in full to the following outline of the tools we use and how your data will be handled. If you do not agree with any, or all, of the following information, ANCN requests that you do not make an online bookingBookings When you make a booking with us, ANCN retain your information so that we can communicate with you about your bookings. We’ll send you an email confirmation, any updates regarding your booking and we may follow up after your booking to check everything went smoothly. ANCN may occasionally email you regarding special offers and any important updates you should be made aware of. ANCN currently retain booking information for a reasonable period of time. No payment information is shared, nor is any data provided to external companies. USES MADE OF THE INFORMATION We use information held about you in the following ways: The information you give to us is collected on behalf of ANCN who allow us to use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. • to carry out our obligations arising from any online or offline contracts entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us; • to provide you, or permit as otherwise permitted by applicable law ANCN to provide to you, with information about goods or services we feel may interest you in relation to our naturist resort activities and holidays.. • to handle any customer service requests or other queries you communicate to us; • to notify you about changes to our products or services; • to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or mobile. Information we collect about you. We will use this information: • to provide the information, products and services that you request from us; • to administer our websites or applications and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes; • to enable you to have a single customer account and identity with us; • to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer; • to allow you to participate in interactive features of our services, when you choose to do so; • as part of our efforts to keep our websites and applications safe and secure; • to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you; • to make suggestions and recommendations to you about goods or services that may interest you; • to allow us to receive feedback and conduct reviews of our products and services. Information we receive from other sources. We may combine this information with information you give to us and information we collect about you. We will use this information and the combined information for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive). Payments All our payments are handled by Stripe. ANCN does not retain your credit card information on our servers nor does ANCN have access to it. Stripe processes your payment card on ANCNs behalf. Stripe retain, at the request of ANCN, an industry standard token of your payment card, such that we can refund you or levy a no-show fee. Currently, this information is retained for as long as the payment card is valid. Hotjar To review and understand a user’s experience on our sites. We review this information on a regular basis to ensure our sites are in perfect working order. We do not capture or store personally identifying information and we adhere to Hotjar’s policies regarding keystroke data. Currently, we retain Hotjar data for the length of time that Hotjar permit us to store it. Facebook ANCN utilises Facebook for the purpose of advertising. We capture user data available to us via the Facebook Pixel application. This allows us to better serve our customers with relevant Ads. ANCN does not have access to a customer’s individual Facebook data and all data is handled by Facebook themselves, provided to the ANCN team via the Facebook Advertising platform only. Google Analytics ANCN utilises Google Analytics to better understand our customers and their needs when they come to our sites. No personally identifying information is captured. ANCN currently retain Google Analytics records for a period of 24 months. Images ANCN sources the majority of its images internally or from freely available stock image sites. ANCN will remove any images that are deemed not to be GDPR compliant or have had a request issued to ANCN for them to be removed. In lieu of any GDPR filings, ANCN will retain and use all images indefinitely. Servers ANCN is hosted on infrastructure within the EU, predominantly in Spain. ANCN has no control over the physical location of hardware related to third-party tools. Retention of your Information We take steps to ensure that the personal data that you provide is retained for a reasonable period of time for the purpose for which it was collected. After this period it will be deleted or in some cases anonymised. Data Backup ANCN takes daily backups of its entire infrastructure, including customer data, for the purpose of disaster recovery and restore. These backups are securely held for a period of 30 days and then securely deleted. Who Is In Charge? As part of the GDPR regulations, all inquiries relating to your data and how we use it are handled by the Secretary. ANCN is located at Ctr de Cadiz, Km151 Estepona, CP 29680 Spain, with the Apartamentos Turisticos registration number A/MA/00917. Right to Disclosure & Erasure As a customer of ANCN, you have rights under the GDPR policies. To request a copy of the data we retain belonging to you, and / or to request its removal, please send an email to info@ANCN.info. Be sure to include your booking reference, the email used when booking and your full name, such that, we can link your data and provide you with a complete picture of the data on file. We endeavour to revert to you within 10 to 15 business days. Finally, please note that GDPR only applies to customers who are resident in the EU and those that have made a booking with ANCN after May 24th, 2018